turn your cold audience into clients

Do you ever find yourself wondering why your marketing isn’t working? Or what you’re supposed to do after you’ve gotten someone’s attention?


In this free one-hour workshop, you’ll learn a proven four-part framework to help you turn your cold audience into clients.


Fill out the form below to get access to the masterclass. You’ll also get my email newsletter, filled with my best marketing and mindset tips for new business owners. 

About Agatha: 

Hi there! My name’s Agatha and I’m a business coach who works with new entrepreneurs to help them get the clarity and confidence to launch and grow their businesses. 


I combine 15+ years of corporate marketing experience and my coach training (Whole Person Certified Coach®, ICF ACC) to help new business owners move their ideas out of their heads and into reality––getting them clarity around what they want to create, defining their overall vision, helping them set the right strategic foundations (marketing plan) and unraveling any mindset blocks that are standing in their way.

DISCLAIMER: This training is intended for informational purposes only. I am a business coach, not a legal professional or business consultant. Please consult with a legal or tax professional on any important matters related to your business. This website is not affiliated with Facebook, Instagram or Meta.